Wednesday, 8 May 2019

The Orcs of the White Serpent raid again!

Almost five years ago, I got back into miniature painting to paint up a big batch for my son's sixth birthday (to go with the Song of Blades rules: the most enduring birthday present so far!).

I got about 60 done for the big day, but many were uncompleted - including most of the "Orcs of the White Serpent": some heavily kitbashed Mantic orcs. I managed to complete just three, kitted out in red armour.  Those were the only ones built straight; the converted ones were started, for the most part, but only about half-completed. They've languished in a drawer ever since.

I've decided to strip them down and give them moodier, rougher (and quicker) paintjobs. This fellow, who was one of an unpainted trio, is a test. He's rough, ready and pretty messy, but that's all I'm aiming for with these (the Mantic bodies are quite hard to make sense of, given all the overlapping clothing, armour and leather).

Here he is with his three completed predecessors. I might leave these as are, but the half-painted ones are destined for the Biostrip.

These are some of the half-finished ones, waiting to rise (and raid) again:


  1. He looks great, I love the skin-tone!

  2. Thanks! I'm hoping to get another couple done tonight.
