Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Tekumel: the Hluss (more or less)

After dallying on the Isle of Dread for some time, our D&D party has finally found itself in Tekumel, by dint of the 'Crimson Gates' (two vast, red stone pinnacles jutting from the sea with a shimmering horizon between them).

Puzzlement at a starless sky and the infernal heat soon gave way to terror, as a Hluss hive-ship attacked them during Monday's game. That session was largely taken up with exchanges of fire and ballista bolts; in yesterday's session, the boarding action began. And so these beasties - scorpion bugs from Irregular Miniatures - made their debut. 

They're not quite right as Hluss - they lack the centaurish tilt to the upper body and are possibly a bit small. I abandoned plans to give them a third eye and weapons in the interests of just getting them done. But they proved sufficiently terrifying: amid the abundant shrieking, much devastation was wreaked with an Eye of Advancing Through Portals applied to the hull of the hive-ship. We concluded with the Eye-wielder grasped by the Hluss queen deep in the bowels of the sinking vessel ...


  1. They made it! And you went with the starless option...

    1. Yup - the two moons are to be added shortly (for a gradual accumulation of details). In tonight's session, the Eye-wielder managed to escape the hive-ship just in time to see it attacked by an Akho ('the embracer of ships'). So the PCs have escaped - for now - but their ship is in a sorry state, most of their crew is dead and the presence of dangerous marine megafauna is all too clear ...

  2. They look good! Irregular Minis tends to suffer from poor pictures I find - how was the casting quality?
    I enjoyed your description of events, I must find the 'would you like to know more?' lever at once!

    1. Thanks! The castings were fine - just a slight mouldline to scrape off on the back of the carapaces. No significant flash otherwise.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Skully! After their 28mm debut, they'll probably see further use as seriously BIG critters in 15mm sci fi!
