Friday 17 May 2024

Ogre for Mordheim

 I painted this ogre for a friend's Mordheim undead warband. He was probably the most valuable fighter for the undead in the five games we played last weekend, although my pit fighter managed to take him out at one point. He dwarfs my old Golgfag's ogres to such an extent that I'm repurposing them as black orcs in Mordheim.


  1. Scale creep takes its toll. He is a worthy replacement though!

    1. Indeed! I note, however, that the early Citadel ogres were nothing like the 10' that they claimed to be in the Warhammer rules; the first two sets of Golgfag's ogres aren't much more than 35 mm tall, so maybe 7.5' at best!

    2. Spend £5 you got a free skeleton, spend £10 you got a free ogre and he wasn't that big at all. I'll see if I can find link some where

  2. So cool! We like how you rendered the ogre's skin. How tall is the miniature? 40mm?

    1. Thanks! He's about 44mm from foot to head, but would easily be 50mm standing up straight. He's on a 40mm base.
