Monday 28 October 2024


 Here are a couple of gnolls: one originally by Rieder Design and now sold by Alternative Armies (as a "dog man") and the other by Essex. The latter (with the sword) may have a certain iconic status to readers of a certain age, as he was a regular feature of adverts in White Dwarf

Saturday 26 October 2024

Ratmen slingers


Here are a couple of ratmen slingers from Ral Partha Europe. They're tucked away at the end of the company's Chaos Imperium range, which consists chiefly of Bob Olley figures done for Ral Partha proper. But there are various slotta-based beastmen and the like at the end, which weren't part of the original range. I think they may have been designed by Tim Prow, though I'm not sure. 

These two are taller than classic Skaven and lack tails. But they're suitably ratty, and I'm always keen on chaos creatures being chaotic in appearance. So they'll fit in comfortably with the original Citadel metal Skaven. Slingers are always handy in Mordheim, too.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Blood for the Blood God!

Strange circumstances compel me to put together a Warhammer scenario, of all things, using second-edition rules. As I'm going for a low-level, low-points feel, I need low-end minions of chaos to go along with some beastmen. I thought this Copplestone half-orc and his fellows would make perfect chaos thugs, and here we are.


Monday 26 August 2024

Celtic Miniatures orc boar rider

 This chap's a 3D-printed miniature from Celtic Miniatures. I've painted very few 3D-printed figures, but this orc was an absolute pleasure to paint and - especially - prepare (almost no clean-up was needed).

Saturday 13 July 2024

Minifigs pig-faced orc


Here's a Minifigs pig-faced orc I painted up in a sort of comic-book style (heavy blacklining in ink). I'm quite pleased with it; I see this style as the best way to get the most out of the wonderful old Minfigs ranges, which have quite spare and shallow detail. 

This fellow's not quite finished; I need to touch up some of the highlights on his jerkin and perhaps add a sigil of some sort to his chest and backplates. I may well change the base to a slightly less textured surface.

Sunday 23 June 2024

The Cult grows futher ...

 The Cult of the Possessed has achieved starting-warband status: a magister with two daggers, a Possessed with the Scorpion Tail mutation, a mutant with Great Claw and club, and a brace of beastmen with heavy armour and two-handed weapons, for exactly 500 crowns. The darksouls with flail and two-handed weapon are waiting in the wings.