Thursday, 30 January 2020
More orks!
Here's another warband element for my 40K Hordes of the Things project. I've refined (i.e. speeded up) the process for these, so that it now runs as follows:
1. Prime in black gesso.
2. Undercoat in Vallejo silver-grey.
3. Paint metal in Vallejo natural steel.
4. Wash everything in Agrax Earthshade.
5. Drybrush all the non-metal bits in white (it doesn't matter if the odd metal bit gets hit).
6. Slop on some contrast paints.
7. At a couple of points during these stages, paint the base grey, then wash it in Nightshade.
8. Add some rust to the weapons, etc.
9. Pick out eyes and teeth with quick highlights and do the same to the metals with silver.
10. Drybrush the base white, do a bit of blacklining to tidy up the figues, then edge the base in black.
It's not a clever or pretty method. But it is quick.
I also (more or less) finished off a shooter element (and painted the cables on the other warband's power axe, though not before these photos). So that's 6AP complete - a quarter of a normal HotT army. Experience shows, though, that HotT works very well with much bigger forces than that - so there are many more orks to come!
Very well executed. Real Orks!