Wednesday, 23 October 2019
A 1/72 goblin
This little fellow's made by Dark Alliance; he comes in a box with 47 of his kin. A lot of Dark Alliance stuff is clearly influenced by the New Line Middle Earth films, which I don't like very much. These goblins might be nodding to the dreadful Hobbit films, but they're none the worse for it, and they've got a nice character of their own. The Games Workshop 28mm figures based on the goblins are very nice too, although the film's design is nothing like Tolkien's description of his orcs. I've used one as a 15mm ogre, and he'll probably see service in 1/72 games too:
As the Dark Alliance box provides four sets of 12 different figures, I might well aim for four different tribes or sub-species; the accompanying box of missile-wielding goblins would allow each tribe to swell to 24 members. Conveniently, 12 is the size of a Dragon Rampant infantry unit too; these chaps could be light foot or even fierce foot; they're a muscular and belligerent-looking lot, even if they're a little short.
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