Friday 21 December 2018

Lund orcs and Saga

Orcs for every occasion
Here are a few more Nick Lund orcs. Those in the photo above range from an early Chronicle orc through a Grenadier orc to a Chronicle/Citadel "giant black orc" and then to a Grenadier "giant orc".

The variety in size makes these miniatures perfect for Saga, the tremendous wargame that uses boardgame elements to depict larger-than-life versions of the battles of the early Middles Ages (later if you have the Crusades book).

Saga divides troops into four types: levies, warriors, hearthguard and heroes. The Lund orcs fit these divisions perfectly. My son and I have played a few games in the past week, with my Lund orcs using the rules for the Irish, the Anglo-Saxons and the Norse Gaels at various points.

As it's already a fantasy game with effects that are essentially magical, Saga works really well with ahistorical figures. The clear delineation between troop types that you can achieve with monsters gives a real visual identity to the troops on the table that has to be achieved more with more subtlety if you use the rules as intended. There's a fantasy supplement out soon, apparently. I'll definitely pick that up, but I shan't hold back from orc-rich games in the meantime.

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