Monday 19 November 2018

A very big orc and Ushtug the Gut

I forget where this miniature is from. I don't think it's meant to be a 28mm giant, but rather a 90mm (?) orc. I've a vague feeling that it was one of a pair, with the other being a dwarf or elf or something. It may have been produced by a Scottish company in the very early 1990s.

It originally had a sword or axe. I made the club out of Miliput when I first got it. I think I had vague plans to use it as an orcish giant back then. Those plans have finally been realised.

As you can see, it's a big old beast. I painted it very simply, just as I've been painting the Nick Lund orcs. I might add some more detail - stitching, tattoos, stubble - at some point. But then again, it works OK now, so it'll probably stay as is.

I also experimented with painting up one of Eeza Ugezod's Death Commandos: Ushtug the Gut. The Death Commandos were a Citadel/Chronicle boxed set that contained some of Nick Lund's best miniatures. I'd been planning on painting these and the related Chronicle giant black orcs as blue-skinned 'winter orcs', but am now thinking that I might just paint them all to match the Grenadier fellows I've been doing lately. Ushtug is a test case, as I have two of him. I'm pleased with how he turned out and so I'm inclined to tip the blue orc into the Biostrip and do them all like the recent batch. My old red-skinned black orcs are definitely destined for the stripping jar.

One thing about these Lund orcs is that they come in a pleasing variety of sizes. So Ushtug's significantly bigger than the Grenadier orc troopers, but some way behind the giant orcs from that range.

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