Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Some more Jacks-in-the-Green
Here are the first six Jacks-in-the-Green. They'll feature in our next Whitehack session, I imagine.
I generally prefer the Perry twins' goblins to Kev Adams'. The Perry ones are more Tolkienesque: nasty little subterranean soldiers. The Adams ones are more comic. But that means that they're better suited to a more whimsical, folkloric role: fairies or elementals rather than orcs.
These were quickly painted as part of a larger batch; I have another seven just about finished and many more in various stages of preparation. This first six will make a nice little unit of scouts for Dragon Rampant.
The one with the boulder is a crewman from a stone-thrower. He'll double up quite nicely as a 15mm forest troll, I reckon.
As Mr. Anderson said... they are plural! Lovely work prompting me to comment again. Your chaos hordes are particularly gribbly too. Have you a video demonstrating your washing technique!?