Friday, 16 March 2018
A Fallen Warrior
The corpses of several manlike creatures with bestial heads scattered around half of this large chamber. Carrion creatures have stripped their bones of flesh; their ribcages and skulls are pierced with grey-quilled arrows. Whoever shot them did not linger to retrieve the shafts.
At the other end of the chamber lies a fallen warrior, a sheathed sword clutched to his chest. Unlike the dead monsters, his flesh is untouched by carrion-eaters, though he has clearly been dead for some time. His jerkin is rent at the breast where he received his death-wound. The sword is a plain-looking longsword in a scabbard of soft, pale leather. It moans softly when its hilt is gripped. It is, of course, the Drinker.
The fallen warrior is Mondragans, and he was killed by the Drinker after his companions slew their monstrous assailants before the drawn sword could taste their blood. Once sated, the sword crept back into its scabbard.
Mondragans' friends have taken any coins that he carried, but they dared not touch the Drinker (which has kept away the carrion-eaters too). Round his neck, however, is a silver amulet bearing the inscription Aralith. This is the name of Mondragans' sweetheart. Returning the amulet to Aralith will earn the PCs her gratitude; she is well connected and well known in the nearest city, so can easily be found by asking around.
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